Another special note regarding the loss of Chester Weedgar, Jr.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
As the summer ends, I am faced with another death - the death of my goldfish.
Yesterday afternoon, Chester jumped out of his fishbowl onto the rug of Paul's apartment. Without water, Chester couldn't survive for long. When Paul came home from work that night, he found Chester, shriveled into something barely recognizable on the rug.
So what did Paul do? He flushed little Chester down the toilet. And that was that. It's not what I would have done with a dead fish, but then again, what else could he have done? A burial at sea at Druid Park Reservoir?
We miss our little fish. We loved to watch him swim around his glass bowl, always looking so happy. He survived way longer than I anticipated he would, almost two and a half months. I'm going to miss feeding him in the mornings.
But seriously, first my car, now the goldfish? It's been quite a summer.
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